Dr. Schuyler, I wanted to take a moment and share with you some positive feedback I just experienced. Simple thing - I opened the front door this morning to go outside, and felt a simple joy. No reason, just spontaneous. The thing is, can't remember the last time this happened, thank you for helping me heal not just my physical -g
Today, I have been feeling tremendous energy up and down my spine. This is new. It feels like some kind of spontaneous healing, although, I know it is not spontaneous. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you... See you tomorrow.
I have been aware of this for a long time, just more clear now that I can't forgive myself for what I was/was not and am/am not until now!
You probably realize this, but, I really don't think we are doing anything more important in our lives than coming to see you. That's how important it is.
When I experience a dramatic shift like what just happened, it gives me hope that I can have other dramatic shifts, particularly in other areas that we have discussed.
Just thinking this morning. There's definitely been pros and cons to leaving my job last year. One of the pros, I believe, has been my health. I may have told you this. I had gone to a specialist because my white blood cell count was low. After I left my job, it improved. My testosterone levels have improved. Generally, I sleep better.
Now that we are working with you, I feel we are healing some of the accumulated effects of years of stress. So, not only am I not in the stressful situation anymore, but, also actively restoring my body (and mind) to a healthier state.
So, it really is like turning back the clock.
So, I am just really grateful that we met you at the French Festival.
Dr. Schuyler, you know I have been having a bit of a rough time. I have continued to have moments of nausea. Yesterday afternoon, it hit me worse, thought I was going to throw up, but, just had dry heaves. But, immediately after, my outlook improved. Then, yesterday evening, I was brushing me teeth and in the lowest part of my spine, I felt a release, different than anything I had ever felt. The sensation at the spot of release was clearly something was locked up and was now unlocked. After, it was like my lower back was floating like a bouy in the ocean. So, just wanted to let you know. Greg.
Every session feels like it goes pretty deep. Hard to describe, but, definitely have that sense. And, something new has come up. I have known for a long time that there was so much of myself that I did not accept. That awareness has come up again very clearly. But, what is new is that as the awareness surfaced, it came with the possibilty that I could change, i could decide to make a change.
Hello Dr. Schuyler, What you said after yesterday's session about experiencing more space around the heart has really hit home
Hello Dr. Schuyler,
It is only my pleasure to endorse something that has worked so well for myself.
Here is what I wrote to him, hopefully it will help him:
Hello Inquiry,
I have been in care with Dr. Schuyler form many years now. You may wonder why many years and that is a very legitimate question of course. When I initially approached him I was going through a very rough time in my life and I had realized that the emotional intensity of events around me was literally accumulating as stress around my shoulders and neck and I had pain and discomfort that was starting to become chronic.
This work has not only helped me get through this time, it has also supported me through various transitions that followed.
My overall health improved significantly, not just the area of concern. Even areas I did not realize were not functioning at their tip-top performance.
Stress and events affect us daily, so even as we clear specific issues there is still more coming at us on a regular basis. After having addressed my first area of concern I realized that constant body maintenance is the best policy, and quite frankly, the best "Health Insurance Plan" I could have.
Then I had a car accident and although I was pretty badly affected by it, Dr. Schuyler was there for me, knew exactly where I was before the accident and how badly this event affected me. Yet today all is well and it is as if nothing ever happened.
This work helps clear stored emotions that no longer serve us, changes the physiology so that the body can heal itself and brings the whole organism to its own peak performance.
I cannot recommend this work and Dr. Schuyler enough. It is the best investment anyone can ever make in their own health, well-being and longevity. Please feel free to call me, if you have any questions.
I would be happy to talk to you as well.
I just wanted to follow up on my wife's appointment today. You know that she has been a bit frustrated about the back pain. But today, it was just that she had an 11:30 appointment and she didn't get in to see you until after 12:00 because you were so busy and its rare we have had to wait. I know it may have been uncomfortable, but, I actually think that it was a good sign that she expressed her frustration to you. She may not have done that in the past. It's also a reflection of how much she trusts you that she felt she could express herself.
And thank you for what you said to me after her appointment, that I am strong enough to handle any anger that comes up for her - I think you are right and that is a change for me. I have become a much more understanding, present and caring husband, particularly in the last six months. With your help, I am becoming more of the man I was meant to be. I continue to be very grateful for all you have done for us.
Hi Dr. Schuyler,
Just wanted to tell you that after having the lower back pain since Thursday (I even had to have a Celebrex on Saturday for pain) - after I left you today I no longer felt any pain at all. My back went back to completely normal. I'm hoping things stay as is when I awake in the a.m. Feels like it will. I wish I would of started with you sooner,
Dear Rilascio,
It has been since 2010 since my first and only - and very transformative - visit to your office. I was living in Westwood, Los Angeles at the time for about five years, and never got back to Santa Barbara, but I LOVE the way You do network chiro.!!! I have recently moved out of the state of California, to a place I would have Never imagined myself(the Midwest) and I LOVE it.
There is ONE BIG PROBLEM -this lovely town of Ann Arbor, Michigan does not have a network chiro !! SO - IF you two are ever travelling in the area ,please let me know!! Also if you know any network chiros who are looking for a town that desparately needs an NC.
Hey Schuyler,
I just wanted to touch base on a couple of things.
The treatments I have been receiving from you have been helping me a lot mentally and physically.
Even though i feel great when I leave your office I still end up having some pains through out my back and neck later in the day. After I left the office on Monday, it was the best I've felt in a longgg time. I felt super relaxed and felt little to no tension build up in my back. Thank you
Hi, here is how our new born (weight 8lb, length 20.5 inches) looked all evening... Ahhh!! She's never laid on her back open like this - I think she was in bliss. She also did a huge poop after the session just like you said she would.
Today she's been a bit fussier in the evening but still pretty happy all day, so thank you! Hopefully we can get in on Tuesday for another session, perhaps we confirm Monday as to a good time for you.
Thanks so much for coming to our home! What a treat. Thanks again!
Wow! I had such an experience last night. Woke up, got up, went back to bed, and had such an intense feeling, radiating from the very center of me, very strong, my mind could not figure what was happening, was it tension, was it pain, was it my bones moving around? I thought of you and tried to breath into it. Began to rub the very tight muscles on each side of my spine, between my neck and lower back (as best as I could), then my husband woke up and started to rub my back. It felt like it was reversing it's curve to the inside then released back to normal and I fell back a sleep. Wow 5 minutes of OMG! Then all was well......I figured it was a good thing.Today I just looked in the mirror and it looked like my posture had improved, yet my muscles seem a little sore post reorganization.
Dr. Schuyler, you know I have been having a bit of a rough time. I have continued to have moments of nausea. Yesterday afternoon, it hit me worse, thought I was going to throw up, but, just had dry heaves. But, immediately after, my outlook improved. Then, yesterday evening, I was brushing my teeth and in the lowest part of my spine, I felt a release, different than anything I had ever felt. The sensation at the spot of release was clearly something was locked up and was now unlocked. After, it was like my lower back was floating like a bouy in the ocean. So, just wanted to let you know. ...I feel freedom in my body.
I Am a Powerful Transformational Force of ))) Love and Healing in MY Life and the Lives of Others...
Hi Schuyler,
Good news - my heart been in atrial fib for past few day and went back to normal rhythm on its own yesterday following my visit with you. Doc did an EKG this morning to confirm it. He was so happy, I was so happy. So the cardio conversion was cancelled. SOOO... it is possible to come in at 8 Tues. (tomorrow) morning? (or even 8:30 or 9 if more convenient). thanks your are a blessing in our life.
My mom said she is able to sit at the dinner table pain free for the first time in 3 months.
Thank you! (Please feel free to use that as testimonial). P.S. They canceled the surgery the vertebral fractures have healed following your care plan.
Good Morning Dr. Schuyler, as you start this day, I am sending you a big THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
Once again I am aware of your awesome heart and generosity. Thank you for extending amazing support and open heartedness to my whole family. I am go grateful we found you, and more family members are seeing the blessing in your art. You rock! Thank you again.
Up-date on me; I am doing a cleanse this week, I am aligning myself with Source, and letting go of many things on all levels, and updating my true intentions for to go forward in my life. I uncovered that my indecisiveness was caused by competing intentions. I created intentions, in the past, from a low energy place, many of which no longer are serving me. I am setting new intentions from a higher place, yet finding both now are still running at the same time. My intention is to apply my awareness, put some light on this, to allow my true intentions to shine through.
Basically; I am choosing a better way of eating, relaxation, and exercise.
I am approaching my relations with more love, and light. Their problems are not my problems.
I just have to continue to love them and me, and not the other work which is theirs.
I am in planning stages of starting a new food business and loving it. I can do what I am doing everyday with or without pay, I like it so much, and I am declaring that I am working towards creating a profit business that will help me create a better life for myself!!!! Thank You for helping me reorganize my spine, nervous system, body and now my Life is becoming more resourceful because of this amazing care.
Great to say, have a great, magical, wonderful day,