In Discover individuals determine how they are anchored to tension and stress, ease, and peace.
The Season of Discover is driven by fear and reaction, and may motivate individuals driven by the need for security or safety, especially when life circumstances appear to be changing rapidly. For instance, when individuals in the season of Discover seek Restorative Therapeutic model and approaches / Complimentary Alternative Medicine (CAM) whether the approach and application is from an Alternative or Medical perspective, their focus is one and the same and it is driven by fear, reaction, frustration, or hopes of ‘‘magical’’ cures.
Symptoms, Circumstances, Problems = Reality
The perceived inconvenience of these Symptoms, Circumstances or Problems is not okay and must be fixed, eliminated or silenced at all cost by any Restorative Therapeutic means necessary so we may continue going on living the life we have been living no matter how unconscious, dysfunctional, stressful and out of balance it may be prior to the life or health symptoms.