“A Shared Experience … an Invitation into Wholeness
Throughout our Lives we have many of opportunities to brighten the Lives of others: we may extend a gentle word of kindness, a loving touch, or a simple acknowledgement of achievement. Just as you may have been inspired and empowered to explore Network care for yourself and your family, we invite You to express the gifts of wisdom, insight and health you have experienced and have drawn from, in your return to Wholeness. ”
inspire a individual to heal | transform a community
Through our personal commitment to the process of growth and change, each one of us has the power not only to transform our own life, but to contribute tremendously to the transformation of life on our planet - S. Gwain
|healing goes beyond the surface of curing|
As you will read healing goes beyond the surface of curing.
These following stories are filled with glimmers of hope as patients not only restoring their health, you will read about individuals much like your self reorganizing their lives, healing in multiple arena of their life and enhancing their well-being as they move out of a state of ill-being. You are about to share in personal transformations included and not limited to one realm physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physiology and beyond.
You might be asking the question... as you read these incredible stories of healing. How is it possible to effect and address such a diverse scope of influence and the answer is simple. What we all have in common as human beings is #1 we are alive and #2 we live, experience and express our life through our nervous system. There is not one function of the human body that does not have a direct or indirect relationship with the current state of your nervous system.
Think about it... Your 5 Senses: Taste|Touch|Sight|Hear|Smell all are a function of your Neurology. What you think|feel, Neurology. Every biological function of your physiology from cell, tissue, organs, system, genetics, epi-genetics and beyond, You guessed it... Neurology. Brain activity and function on a psycho-neuro-chemical-hormonal level... Neurology. Pyscho-Neuro-Immunology... Neurology. mind-body connection, consciousness, spirituality... Neurology.
Our Patients | Their Experience | Glimmers of Hope
I know a lot of people go to Dr. Schuyler for back pain and Dr. Schuyler definitely helps with that. However, I went to Dr. Schuyler to help me relax my nervous system. I wanted to learn to relax my body and mind, reduce anxiety and change the way I relate to everyday stress.
What Dr. Schuyler does through network care is help you release years of tension that have accumulated in your body. In my case, I slouch pretty badly and after working with Dr. Schuyler, my back is straighter and my breathing is open and freer. The change has been so great that I can’t even imagine returning to the way I was before and I can’t believe I carried so much tension for so many years. There have been a number of other health benefits: I sleep more and feel more deeply rested when I wake. My flexibility and mobility have increased and my life is better in a multitude of ways that I directly attribute to this work.
I have never been the type of person to pursue alternative types of healing so the spectacular transformative results I am currently receiving with Dr. Schuyler have been all the more rewarding. And the transformation has not just extended to my physical and mental well-being, but to my life goals as well.
If you want to feel better and better deal with accumulated and current stress, I cannot encourage you strongly enough to start working with Dr. Schuyler.
Treatment with Dr. Schuyler has changed my life and deeply improved my physical condition. I cannot convey enough how much working with him means to both my wife and I. He has brought balance, fluid movement, love of exercise, laughter, light and joy in being into my life.
I have been going to Dr. Schuyler of Rilascio Network Care for 9 months. According to a neurologist and my primary doctor I needed to see a neurosurgeon for my neck degeneration problems, but then a professional referred me to Rilascio and Dr. Schuyler. It has been close to a miracle. Dr. Schuyler changed everything: my exercise patterns, my spirit, my ability to give and accept and believe in my body's ability to heal itself. The program he outlined has worked. I am pain free and have greater freedom of movement and this is remarkable for an active 69 year old woman. The quality of my life is immensely improved. I recommend Rilascio without any reservation that they will help you or let you know if they can't. I honestly could not believe it myself, but I was facing surgery and figured that I had nothing to lose. Little did I know that I has everything to gain.
I first went to Dr. Schuyler because I had severe neck pain which was always shrugged at by physical therapists, other chiropractors, and different body work therapists. I had come to assume that what I was feeling was in the range of normal and that it couldn’t really change. In addition, a few months before I sought out Network Care, I had hit a sort of wall. As a normally strong and athletic person, I found myself laking energy and enthusiasm for sports and exercise. After one particularly bad weekend of neck pain, I make an appointment with Rilascio Chiropractic.
Today I can write that I have no neck pain, and have not felt any since my third week working with Schuyler. All the chronic pain I used to feel whenever life got hectic or busy or stressful is no longer present. I am now working out, playing tennis, dancing and doing all the explosive exercise I want and enjoying it. The physical changes in and of themselves have been tremendous.
However, the benefits from Network Chiropractic have extended to my emotional well-being, my confidence, and my relationship to work, family and friends, and all the twists and turns of life.
As a person who has been meditating, practicing yoga, engaging in many different healing modalities for years I thought I was doing pretty well when I walked in for my first appointment. I just needed some support with my neck. Little did I know how much stress I was living with day to day, and how much that stress was affecting my life and my body. In fact, what Dr. Schuyler has helped me most with is releasing years of tension, trauma, and pain that had become part of my system, some that I was unaware of and some that I had tried really hard unsuccessfullyto release through different modalities. Network care helped my body let go of what I no longer needed.
With the support of network care, my experience of stress has reduced dramatically, and my ability to handle it has increased. The tension in my system continues to fall away. I feel more confident and comfortable with myself which has allowed me to take bigger jumps in my career and relationships. Life simply feels better.
I imagine I might have been headed towards the goals I am now accomplishing, but it has been a faster, much easier, more pleasant and expansive journey having the support of Dr. Schuyler and his network care. The best part about network care is that it is easy! You just have to show up and be open to change.
Thank-you Dr. Schuyler for your commitment, support and incredible practice that truly heals.
Dr. Schuyler mentioned that you were interested in hearing about some of the results of his other clients and I told him I would be happy to share my family’s experience with you.
I have referred many people to Dr. Schuyler and they’ve all had the same miraculous results, although I caution you that it can take a little time, sometimes. For instance, I went for a long time before feeling the results I was looking for… and my stepmother had amazing results on the very first adjustment. I think it really just depends up on the individual.
It’s not a one-visit quick fix, but I believe that his changes are permanent. I, my husband, and our two daughters all see him every week, our son sees him whenever he’s home from school, and my father and stepmother now do too. I’ve also referred other friends, including my daughter’s godmother.
Everyone else has had the same amazing results I have had, which is that after trying MANY other modalities, I, and they, finally have relief from physical pains that have been hanging around for years, oftentimes many years.
My husband is a naturopathic doctor who has been a part of multiple holistic health groups, all of which offered very effective modalities, and naturally we got to experience all of them, including chiropractic (lots of it) as well as others (a couple of them were network chiropractic, but we did NOT get the same results that we’ve received from Dr. Schuyler’s work, which just shows it’s not just the modality - it’s the practitioner).
But there were still things, such as my back pain and my husband’s chronic headaches and his knee pain from a ligament tear, that wouldn’t go away. Until we started working with Dr. Schuyler, that is!
For the first time in my life I can honestly say I’m pain-free.
The results are also emotional and spiritual, it’s really quite fascinating. But most importantly, my PAIN is gone, and everyone else reports the same. My husband Ian had chronic headaches, and he’s not had a single one since starting to go to Schuyler. My father had chronic hip pain and he’s noticed it going away after just a few sessions, and our other friends have reported the same.
There have been other miracles too, such as my young, 3-year-old daughter stopped falling down all the time and stopped hitting her head (she used to have at least one incident a day wherein she would somehow manage to hit her head, often severely). This is amazing. I’m convinced that Dr. Schuyler’s work helped to re-wire her nervous system to increase her proprioception - her ability to perceive herself in space.
When I was 8 months pregnant with my second daughter, we discovered the baby was breach. I had “taken a break” from my sessions with Dr. Schuyler, but I went back to see him (I only regret now that I didn’t see him throughout my pregnancy, and I certainly will on the next one) and within a few sessions, it was clear the baby had turned (which was later verified via ultrasound), even though he doesn’t specifically try to “turn” a baby - it just happened as a result of the natural rebalancing work that he does, which brought the baby into alignment.
I have many more stories to share, and if you want more, please feel free to email me and ask :) But the bottom line is, we refer all our loved ones as well as my husband’s patients to Dr. Schuyler on a regular basis, and therefore stake his professional reputation on the results that his patients get with Dr. Schuyler, and we feel completely comfortable and confident in doing that because Dr. Schuyler’s work has never once let us down.
I wish you all the best of success in your healing journey.
I've been seeing Dr. Schuyler for over a year and a half and the treatments I have received from him have been nothing short of life changing. When I found Dr. Schuyler I had been experiencing 3.5 years of daily chronic lower back pain. I was impressed with his professional, scientific approach in our initial exam paired with his kindness and clear communication. I had an x-ray and scans that mirrored the pain that I was feeling in my lower back, hips, upper back and neck. I felt well informed to make a decision for my health and healing to receive Network Care. When I received my first treatment I was surprised by the light touch technique that he used. Little did I know, this light touch technique was doing more for my body that I could ever expect. I was so used to people using 'deep tissue' massage and 'cracking' - I had no reference that a more gentle / tuned in approach was going to yield much more profound results in my body and in my life. Since seeing Dr. Schuyler regularly, my low back pain has completely resolved. I have so much gratitude on a daily basis for how good my body feels and how I am able to move.... I am starting to dance again:) From my experience, I now understand that Network Care is much more than just chiropractic. It is effecting my entire life in a positive way. I feel more open as a person, more expressive as an artist and more willing to take risks. This world of adventure has opened up to me and I feel that I have found an amazing friend in Dr. Schuyler - someone that really listens to me, tailors my care to exactly where I am at in my life and is cheering me on as I have breakthroughs in my healing and in my life. I have recommended Dr. Schuyler to so many people and now I am watching my friends and my family members lives change as a result of Network Care. This is profound work and I am beyond grateful to the woman that introduced me to Dr. Schuyler. One of the best decisions I've ever made!
My wife and I have been going to Dr. Schuyler for over 18 months (driving 1 hr 30min one way) Our experience has been tremendous. The physical changes alone have been remarkable. We both move with greater flexibility and strength. It’s as if we have gotten younger. What has been even more surprising and unexpected is the greater sense of peace and emotional well-being. When combined with Dr. Schuyler’s genuine and sincere concern for each client’s health, the overall experience is something very unique and rewarding. If I have any disappointment, it's only that my three grown children live to far away to benefit from Dr. Schuyler's care.
I currently live in San Francisco and do not live in Santa Barbara full-time but occasionally visit family in the area. Each time I visit, I try to go to Rilascio and always am amazed by how even just a few sessions can make me feel like a completely different person: calm, relaxed, more happy, less tension in my body, more at ease overall, ready to seize the day. It really is amazing. Plus, the effects last longer than I would expect: feeling great a week later and still going! Thank you, Dr. Schuyler, for doing such unbelievable work.
I feel 10 years younger thanks to Dr. Schuyler.
I cannot say enough GREAT things about Dr. Schuyler and the care he provides. He is not just your typical Dr...he's a good friend.
I met Schulyer at the SOL Festival. I had been looking for a network chiropractic practitioner and he seemed like a person who did this as a calling, not just a profession. I was not in pain, but knew I needed to attend to my spine because I had been experiencing numbness down one leg and toes off and on for two years. The x-ray which showed that my neck was straight where is should be curved and my lower spine vertebrae were offset instead of being aligned in a smooth curve. I thought network chiropractic was simply dealing with the muscles and energy so that the spine would correct itself. Little did I know I was embarking on a great journey. The muscles supporting my vertebrae were clenched with holding 50 years of unresolved fear, hurt and anger from events going back to childhood.
I have been receiving treatment for several months and the numbness has shifted and abated. Not only is my spine regaining its proper curve, but my mind and emotions are much more calm and in balance. I am able to be present with my life today, instead of filtering through old events. I feel good that the healing I am participating in is addressing underlying core issues, so that they will be permanently resolved. I'll admit, it's taken courage on my part to dig deep and walk through the feelings that were stored so they could be released, but the reward has been great. I notice feeling more peaceful and less reactive. The electrical intelligence of my nervous system and muscles are responding to the gentle wake up touch provided by a person who has a desire to help and share his gift. I am grateful for the change I have seen in how I feel both physically and emotionally. I am grateful to know that this investment in my well being will serve me for the rest of my life.
When they say "body, mind, spirit" they aren't joking - it's all entwined and it's nice when they are entwined peacefully! I wish you well on your healing journey. Everyone must find what works for them, different people need different treatment modalities and must follow their instinct and find the healing they feel is appropriate for what their body is telling them. For those who have the ability and courage to get in touch with their inner being network treatment with Dr. David "Schuyler" Du Bourdieu at Rilascio can be a path for great transformation.
Through almost 8 years of care at Rilascio Network Care, I have experienced huge transformation in how I feel in my body as well as in the capacity for living my life fully and more presently in each moment.
At age 44, I feel better in my body, and better about my body, than I have for my entire life. In the first 4 years of care I actually grew 1 1/4 inches as my spine released tension and my body unfolded from its fight or flight holding pattern. While the process has been an incredible amount of work and not always comfortable as my muscular system (not to mention my emotional system and thought processes) adjusted to the structural adjustments of my body's re-alignment, the benefits are incredible. I have re-membered myself.
I feel as though I have been released from a prison I hadn't realized I was in and now have the capacity to move in and around and at will through this world like never before; sometimes I even feel like Neo from the Matrix. (although I have yet had the need to bend backwards to be able to avoid bullets, or stop them in mid air, I do seem to be able to flow so well through confrontation, and its possibility, that there is no need for such physical acumen at this point ;) And no pills, blue or red, were involved.
This work has helped me to truly see the gifts in every situation, and in my self, that in the past had remained hidden. I have been able to move more gracefully through life transitions such as relationship break-ups, job endings, car accidents, and the deaths and births of close family members with an acceptance and surrender and consciousness I would never have imagined was possible.
I have so much gratitude for the Drs. Du Bourdieu and their work; they are, and have long been, my primary health care providers and have assisted me to levels of extraordinary wellness and health in all realms.This is a powerful, transformational work which actively, consciously, midwives the birth of the new paradigm our planet is co-creating with us, one person at a time, while simultaneously connecting each one of us to the unlimited potential of all that is universally available and unfolding right now.
Do yourself, your family, your community, the world and the universe the phenomenal favor of taking on this work. As you feel better in your body and connect more fully with your physiology, you move through your difficult stuff, release stories about what should be, look inside and accept and love what you haven't wanted to see along with what is. Ultimately you become the change you have been looking to see in the world and the world changes with you.
At least that's what's happening for me. :)
I've been seeing Dr. Schuyler for 2 1/2 years now and continue to do so. He is an amazing healer and human being! Not only has my physical body had many transformations (too many to list!) in my time with him, but he is also such an inspirational support to growing and stretching emotionally in all areas of my life as well.
If you are ready to begin a new journey of healing, I could not recommend seeing him more.
Dr. Schuyler, I wanted to take a moment and share with you some positive feedback I just experienced. Simple thing - I opened the front door this morning to go outside, and felt a simple joy. No reason, just spontaneous. The thing is, can't remember the last time this happened, thank you for helping me heal not just my physical.
Today, I have been feeling tremendous energy up and down my spine. This is new. It feels like some kind of spontaneous healing, although, I know it is not spontaneous. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you... See you tomorrow.
I have been aware of this for a long time, just more clear now that I can't forgive myself for what I was/was not and am/am not... UNTIL, NOW!
You probably realize this, Dr. Schuyler but, I really don't think we are doing anything more important in our lives than coming to see you. That's how important it is. (I look forward to the drive into see you... 3 hours round trip.) Thanks for all you do for us!
When I experience a dramatic shift like what just happened, it gives me hope that I can have other dramatic shifts, particularly in other areas that we have discussed. Not only is my Nervous System and Spine healing but So am I.
Every session feels like it goes pretty deep. Hard to describe, but, definitely have that sense. And, something new has come up. I have known for a long time that there was so much of myself that I did not accept. That awareness has come up again very clearly. But, what is new is that as the awareness surfaced, it came with the possibilty that I could change, i could decide to make a change, a positive change because I can feel the change happening from the inside out.
I have been in care with Dr. Schuyler for many years now. You may wonder why many years and that is a very legitimate question of course. When I initially approached him I was going through a very rough time in my life and I had realized that the emotional intensity of events around me was literally accumulating as stress around my shoulders and neck and I had pain and discomfort that was starting to become chronic. This work has not only helped me get through this time, it has also supported me through various transitions that followed.
My overall health improved significantly, not just the area of concern. Even areas I did not realize were not functioning at their tip-top performance. Stress and events affect us daily, so even as we clear specific issues there is still more coming at us on a regular basis. After having addressed my first area of concern I realized that constant body maintenance is the best policy, and quite frankly, the best "Health Insurance Plan" I could have.
Then I had a car accident and although I was pretty badly affected by it, Dr. Schuyler was there for me, knew exactly where I was before the accident and how badly this event affected me. Yet today all is well and it is as if nothing ever happened.
This work helps clear stored emotions that no longer serve us, changes the physiology so that the body can heal itself and brings the whole organism to its own peak performance.
I cannot recommend this work and Dr. Schuyler enough. It is the best investment anyone can ever make in their own health, well-being and longevity. Please feel free to call me, if you have any questions.
I would be happy to talk to you as well.
I was brushing me teeth and in the lowest part of my spine, I felt a release, different than anything I had ever felt. The sensation at the spot of release was clearly something was locked up and was now unlocked. After, it was like my lower back was floating like a bouy in the ocean. Freedom!
What you said after yesterday's session about experiencing more space around the heart has really hit home!
Hi Dr. Schuyler,
Just wanted to tell you that after having the lower back pain since for 2 weeks (It got so bad I even had to have a Celebrex on Saturday for pain) - after I left you today I no longer felt any pain at all. My back went back to completely normal. I'm hoping things stay as is when I awake in the a.m. Feels like it will. I wish I would of started with you sooner, THANK YOU!!
Dear Rilascio,
It has been since 2010 since my first and only - and very transformative - visit to your office. I was living in Westwood, Los Angeles at the time for about five years, and never got back to Santa Barbara, but I LOVE the way You do network chiro.!!! I have recently moved out of the state of California, to a place I would have Never imagined myself(the Midwest) and I LOVE it.
There is ONE BIG PROBLEM -this lovely town of Ann Arbor, Michigan does not have a network chiro !! SO - IF you two are ever travelling in the area ,please let me know!!
Hey Dr. Schuyler,
I just wanted to touch base on a couple of things.
The treatments I have been receiving from you have been helping me a lot mentally and physically. Even though i feel great when I leave your office I still end up having some pains through out my back and neck later in the day.
After I left the office on Monday, it was the best I've felt in a longgg time. I felt super relaxed and felt little to no tension build up in my back. —Thank you
I just wanted to follow up on my wife's appointment today. You know that she has been a bit frustrated about the back pain. But today, it was just that she had an 11:30 appointment and she didn't get in to see you until after 12:00 because you were so busy and its rare we have had to wait. I know it may have been uncomfortable, but, I actually think that it was a good sign that she expressed her frustration to you. She may not have done that in the past. It's also a reflection of how much she trusts you that she felt she could express herself.
And thank you for what you said to me after her appointment, that I am strong enough to handle any anger that comes up for her - I think you are right and that is a change for me. I have become a much more understanding, present and caring husband, particularly in the last six months. With your help, I am becoming more of the man I was meant to be. I continue to be very grateful for all you have done for us.
Hi, here is how our new born (weight 8lb, length 20.5 inches) looked all evening... Ahhh!! She's never laid on her back open like this - I think she was in bliss. She also did a huge poop after the session... just like you said she would.
Today she's been a bit fussier in the evening but still pretty happy all day, so thank you! Hopefully we can get in on Tuesday for another session, perhaps we confirm Monday as to a good time for you.
Thanks so much for coming to our home! What a treat. Thanks again!
Wow! I had such an experience last night. Woke up, got up, went back to bed, and had such an intense feeling, radiating from the very center of me, very strong, my mind could not figure what was happening, was it tension, was it pain, was it my bones moving around? I thought of you and tried to breathe into it. Began to rub the very tight muscles on each side of my spine, between my neck and lower back (as best as I could), then my husband woke up and started to rub my back. It felt like it was reversing it's curve to the inside then released back to normal and I fell back a sleep. Wow 5 minutes of OMG! Then all was well......I figured it was a good thing. Today, I just looked in the mirror and it looked like my posture had improved, yet my muscles seem a little sore post reorganization. Thank you!
I Am a Powerful Transformational Force of ))) Love and Healing in MY Life and the Lives of Others... I Am!
Hi Dr. Schuyler,
Good news - my heart been in atrial fib for past few day and went back to normal rhythm on its own yesterday following my visit with you. Doc did an EKG this morning to confirm it. He was so happy, I was so happy. So the cardio conversion was cancelled. Thank You... you are a blessing in our life.
My mom said she is able to sit at the dinner table pain free for the first time in 3 months.
Thank you! (Please feel free to use that as testimonial). P.S. They canceled the surgery the vertebral fractures have healed following your care plan.
Rilascio’s Care has buoyed me through one of the most challenging periods of my life, battling stage four cancer. I always feel I come home here to myself, to my body and others.
—forever grateful
The Chronic Ache I had in my lower back has decreased. I have more flow in my body
How was your life transformed while in Network Care @ Rilascio… Love, Love, Love My World is opening up completely in the most beautiful fulfilling way. Thank You Thank You Thank You
Where do I begin…Emotionally, Physically, Spiritually — I’ve Transformed on every level!
I am more connected to myself; mind body and soul. Being in Network Care has changed my relationships in ways that allow me to say what I need and place my energy and love and only the places that light up my mind body and soul.
My life has been better because I don’t get migraines anymore!!! ✨An amazing 12yr old✨
I’ve rediscovered the song of my truth.
I am still trying to find words to explain the emotions that run through my heart for being under Dr. Schuyler’ s care. I feel like God and my angels brought me here to up-level my life experience
How was your life transformed while in Network Care @ Rilascio…“EVERYTHING” 🌟🤩🌟
It’s hard to say how my life has not shifted / transformed since being treated by Dr. Schuyler. I feel more spacious and in tune with my body than I have in years. And I am no longer afraid of “throwing out” my back — Care has been everything to me! Dr. Schuyler always has the right words to support & Uplift me. —Deeply Grateful.
I am feeling more…centered, relaxed and Grounded!
Gently— Amazingly… Fabulously Living in Love from the heart.
✨I Am Free at last!!!✨
I feel more energized, open, aware, connected to self, stronger in my body and more coordinated in my alignment, attuned. Yay!
From tension, old injuries, “chronic” ailments, to limber living, thriving being able to handle so much more and being supported the whole way.
I have built an embodied awareness that has transformed my life. I am able to notice the states of connections and disconnections. Without shaming myself I graciously find my way home to an open heart. Rippling love into all of my relationships.
It has helped me so much with my golf game in my physical feeling. I love it here and I hope I can keep coming back — 12 yr old Champion
Dr. Schuyler has guided me towards reconnecting my body with my higher self. I no longer struggle with panic attacks and crippling back pain. I’ve been able to realign my soul with my physical being. I owe my new quality of life to Rilascio — Thank You Dr. Schuyler
Improved increase spinal curvature, increased flexibility, increased hopefulness, decreased neck pain; with expanded network of other exceptional medical professionals in SB.
Improved increase spinal curvature, increased flexibility, increased hopefulness, decreased neck pain; with expanded network of other exceptional medical professionals in SB.
My lower back pain is gone. I am more relaxed and able to ease through everyday events.
—Thank you.
✨True Healing that has SAVED MY LIFE!!!✨
I feel much more grounded in who I am and my own intuition, especially as a mother. I no longer have chronic anxiety & I am able to “let go” things much easier. My relationship with my partner & family has improved.
I am much more aware of my energies and my blocks when they come up especially old Emotional scripts.
It’s been a journey inward, to my shadows, to my light, to the fullest expression of myself.
Amazing love!! Feeling stronger spiritually, energetically and physically… Thank you!
How was your life transformed while in Network Care @ Rilascio…
I have always had it in my life and can’t imagine living without it. I’ve heard so many stories of how it has helped so many people… Network care at Rilascio is truly AMAZING✨12 yrs old✨
My back has opened up like never before
It’s been in care for just over Three weeks but I can already feel more mobility in my body, and pain I have normalized for years starting to ease thank you!!!
My body is less tense ✨10 year old✨
I love rainbows and marshmallows and table time! ✨4 year old✨
My Life has Dramatically for the better! More balance, more joy, more breath, more tranquility.
How was your life transformed while in Network Care @ Rilascio…It helps me a lot and helps my emotions and body. ✨11 yr old✨
I feel lighter and empowered in all ways. Thank you for your help with me and my family.
With just one breath, everything has transformed. ✨🤩✨
I’ve experienced greater ease of motion on all levels: physically moving in ways I haven’t since I was very young, emotionally more balanced and resilient, mentally more centered, still and at ease. Life altering work! —Thank You
How was your life transformed while in Network Care @ Rilascio… Embodied being and soul. Thank you!
Just starting my care today, but already feeling transformations in my breath!
I am able to let in the good, and focus on that more! ✨YAY! ✨ And I am navigating life experiences with more ease.
I have felt pain moving to different parts or gone. With the first treatment I was able to sleep again without hip pain or waking up with lower back pain.
Consistent improvements in overall health. Thank you!
I am able to move freely, getting back to doing the things I love like hiking, beach walks, and walking in the nearby parks. My relationships with all in my life is becoming more loving, deeper. I’m feeling more alive and free… Just flowing. Thank you so much!
How was your life transformed while in Network Care @ Rilascio…
It’s changed my life. I feel more at peace and able to manage life’s stress with ease.
I am radiating and vibrating at a more vibrant frequency. Less pain, less tension, less weight & density.
How was your life transformed while in Network Care @ Rilascio…More focus on self care; taking care of body; connection between mind, body, and heart! Less worrying.
I am more centered and calm. I have weather some incredibly stressful situations well…as a result of this wonderful work.
For the first time in years, I am living pain free. I hardly know what to do without that constant companion. Dr Schuyler and Dr Giovanna along with my beautiful conscious body are guiding me to higher levels of new potentials for my life. Thank you so much.
Since beginning care, I have become more aware of how I am living and being in my body and life. I was completely unaware of how I was holding tension in my back as if I were in a defensive stress response most of the day…even when the day presented no stressors. I was unable to consciously “release” this pattern of holding because it felt forced. With care, I am now able to locate and release many of these old patterns which also translates into my outer world. Showing up open and relaxed allows for change, the change that we all desire to live freely. It allows me to feel a higher vibration of loving life rather than fearing it due to the bodily tension and anxiety that was not a reflection of the truth and my reality. It is hard to describe how change from inside creates change in the outside world. But it is true and it is a blessing and a gift to be here. Thank you.
How was your life transformed while in Network Care @ Rilascio…It has been in my life forever. I can’t imagine what life would be like without it. ✨8 yr old✨
How was your life transformed while in Network Care @ Rilascio…Opening my heart, body, and spirit to the blessings and soul threads that have always been right there within me.
So much change.. so much positivity.. so much love.. so much joy.. So much gratitude… All in addition to tremendous pain management, mental health wellness, feeling important, included, welcome and worthy. Thank you so much, Dr. Schuyler.
I feel so much lighter physically and mentally since starting with Rilascio. My knee and back pain has subsided almost completely too! Amazing!
How was your life transformed while in Network Care @ Rilascio…
More mobile, better cognition, more joy!
I feel amazing - the energy in this place, helps me to keep trying to get better every day, healing my body and my mind - feeling just great. Thank you.
I am enjoying my life with so much joy and gratitude. I am no longer in pain. I live to the beat of my own rhythms and have deepened my connection to myself and source. My relationships have all blossomed and I am at ease.
✨I feel calmer✨9 yr old
Dr. Schuyler has changed my life forever. Faith conquers fear, colors are brighter, and today I felt the electricity of my soul for the first time. He has given me a priceless gift. I truly thank you.
I am More relaxed, In better alignment, more trust.
I love coming here. It’s a beautiful sanctuary for me. Am very grateful for the gift to feel and understand my body again. I feel connected to all the people that come here for your wonderful blessings you share with us. I found my people :)
Everything has changed! My mood, my breath, my physical structure and ability to handle stress - physically, emotionally, mentally. My hormones improved and awareness of myself improved!
Grateful to have “life” again. Much love.
I just started treatment, but I feel my symptoms have been validated and I’ve been instilled with hope towards rebalancing and recovering - which means the world to me!
My whole experience points to a shift in energy in a more life affirming direction. KOWABUNGA.
My relationship and existence in my body has become more easeful, ecstatic, and full. I came in with chronic pain from multiple injuries, all of which are gone. I have landed in more trust in my body's innate wisdom and ability to heal itself.
Rilascio chiropractic has brought me out of some chronic traumatic events, which has now given me the freedom to live my best life!
How was your life transformed while in Network Care @ Rilascio… My life has unfolded from cancer and trauma into health, creativity, and a new life.
I am resilient, flexible, whole, and working with my amazing body. Thank you for 18 years of spectacular care.
You have changed my life - opened new windows I never dreamed could be possible in my health - wealth - peace and love and happiness. I love you both.
How was your life transformed while in Network Care @ Rilascio… Effortless, Authentic Energy!
I feel more at peace with my life, even when things are challenging, I know I can find inner support and strength
My life has transformed in unimaginable ways! I am experiencing ever increasing joy, ease, gratitude, clarity, abundance, and freedom. Life is less chaotic and dramatic and much more intentional and peaceful. My only regret is not having met Dr. Schuyler years ago! —Thank you.
Where do I begin?! Network Care has helped me get in touch with the
“true essence” of who I am and given me the courage to live from that place.
I am more energetic, happy, and healthy.
I feel more connected to my body, to my family, and to the sweetness and beauty of life. I can relax and trust life and my connection to it. — Thank You!!
My life has completely shifted. I reconnected with myself deeper on a mind, body and soul plane. Dr. Schuyler and Dr. Giovanna have helped transform my life and reconnect with my soul. They are angels who are helping guide everyone to the “home” within themselves. —grateful
1000% life transformation over the past two years while in care at Rilascio Chiropractic!!!
…Love, life, wisdom, prosperity, career, confidence, adventure… All avenues have exploded for my life. God has opened the floodgates for opportunity to Explore Health 1000% — grateful
I am reconnecting my soul, my body, my spirit, my life into one. I am grateful, I am at peace. I am healing, I am light. I believe. —grateful
Increased openness, light, space, freedom…in my body and life… Yeah!— love love love
My body feels better and I love it! 8 yr old
Not enough space to detail at all… But more ability to have a fuller life and to do more physically than I have been able to do for many years. — thankful
Everything has changed! I am finally finding, knowing, discovering, loving the fullest version of me due to network care at Rilascio. — grateful
I guess the most simplest answer is that my body, mind and spirit are falling into a much deeper alignment. I am feeling more of a benefits it’s of oneness rather than separateness.
— Thank you
EVERYTHING is different. The way I see things, the way I move in the world, the way I relate. It has been a total transformation on all levels, and continues to deepen as I move forward. I am eternally grateful for the space to EXPAND ME. — grateful
I am rewriting the story of my soul to receive light through my body and shift into deep love and success. —Thank you
OMG. Where do I even begin? I will never forget the beginning… 5 years ago(?!?!) Dr Schuyler said “you know this care going to do much more than just help you with your pain...it will do that, but you will notice that you become “unstuck” in life where you were once stuck. Maybe new job, new house, new relationships…” Let’s just say all of the above and then some has happened for me in my life. —grateful
My arms work again! And oh so much more… —grateful
I was a MESS. Yes… That’s a Big Time Mess!!! since coming to Dr Schuyler and dr. giovanna I felt my body transforming. I have longer and longer periods of being pain-free and like I’m out of a long time dark tunnel finally. I’ve been able to engage more with others as well as getting myself out into nature. Big Thank to you both for all the love and support! —grateful
It has been a major shift. I was in “lack mentality” and has shifted into heartfelt true ABUNDANCE. I am grateful and beyond. My body feels lighter, the pain is much less and my inner Joy is shining through. —Thank you from my whole heart!!!
I am more joyful, more creative, more alive, more hopeful, MORE PAIN FREE — magical
I have discovered calm and peace within because of this care. Forever grateful our paths have crossed. — thank you!
An old Gateway has opened up and I am not afraid to walk through it now as I was when I was younger. —Thank you
Everything has changed… Work, relationships, love, all for the amazing life I deserve
— thank you
Calm mind. Peacefulness. Relaxed, comfortable, happy body. —grateful
More balance, more growth on all levels. — grateful
In so many ways – state of calm. This work has allowed me to be in my body and feel what it’s like to breathe. It’s deep in my connection with them so I can be more in service and be clear on what I’m calling in. It’s relieved discomfort and allowed me to witness myself from a space of unconditional love. You both are incredible. — so much love and gratitude!
Less pain and spinal tension, more spinal curvature, more flexibility, More hope, improve family relationships, and more energy. — thank you
I was strong and healed in my body, mind and spirit for the three years I was being treated every last show and after taking a break during Covid I am back for more alignment and connectedness. —grateful
! While in care, my energy, activity and attitude are noticeably elevated. I believe I am able to tap into a higher vibrational frequency when my spine and body are receiving this care, —thank you for the care you provide myself and my family.
physically my body feels better and stronger when I’m receiving care… all areas of my life are better! —thank you
Ability to receive my full true self and create a life that aligns and gives back in abundance.
— grateful
More awareness, more happiness, less pain, more joy! —thank you
New moments of peace, a path to living fully — thank you
My stress level has lowered. I feel like I can physically breathe and it is also helping regain my confidence especially as I switch careers. — thankful
I am seeing the patterns in which I am stuck and seeing areas in which I can take back my power. —thank you
My back has started to not hurt a lot, and I’ve seen my posture is better. —14 yr old
Not enough space here to enumerate – but I have breath and an deep depth in a very wonderful life and a beautiful world – more so with you in it!!! — grateful
I love this body of mine. I can feel the creative healing force of the universe, filling it – streaming. Network Care at Rilascio has helped me relieve stress, heal physically and emotionally with ease and increase love. — grateful
Increase physical activities and reduction in the chronic back pain I have been living with for a long time. —Thank you!
Opening of the heart – mind-body connection deepening trust for my inner warrior to be ready and always, fearless. —thank you
I have less achy pain in my neck, low back and my joints need cracking a lot less. —thank you
If I had the money… I would give free visits to my friends most people don’t understand how good they can feel and it only takes a few visits to begin to know. —grateful
When I first came in for care, my body was holding the weight of a burdened body that held stress, wasn’t expressed, and seemingly be seized by migraines, stiffness, and aches… Sitting was painful. Now… Well… My life is opening, my future is radiant, and I’m ready and able to give, love, express, and create. — thank you
You are so fabulous and bringing LOVE into the lives of those you assist! — thank you
Been extremely helpful with my physical health. Decrease pain, increased strength and well-being. —thank you
I found the ability within myself to recognize suppressed pain and allow it to flow through. I learned how to naturally embody my loving transformational force. And to fly like liquid curiosity. — grateful
I have come to remember and continue to be reminded that… I am and have always been loved and whole. —grateful
I now have the gift of being in my body again. I dance while I’m doing the dishes, never thought dishes could be a moment to treasure. There is more room to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, walking the farmers market and spending time with the love ones. —grateful
I’ve got more energy, a pure sense of myself, my singing has improved tremendously. Most of all I’m happier, more free, more alive, resilient and interactive with people, I now feel I am part of more than one community, thank you, thank you, —thank you!
I’m learning to breathe in my body and in life. Attempting to make space in my body and in my life for myself. Excited to see where I am in a few months. — thank you
I feel like I am coping with day today stressors more easily. I feel that the trauma stored in my body is slowly leaving with each session. —thank you
There is an expression: …The heart wants what the heart wants. And This past year mine has become... the spine wants what the spine wants —1000 thank you
I move better without giving into the injury pain, more relaxed in movement and more aware.
— thank you
Slowly helped me believe I will be pain-free once again and continue help this be my reality!
—thank you
Sleeping! Pain-free! Excited! Thank you!
My work here at Rilascio and network care has helped me realize my purpose this time around. — thank you
Being here has made me much more centered and his help me get my life back and my back has made a transformation that is amazing.
— thank you
Good Morning Dr. Schuyler, as you start this day, I am sending you a big THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
Once again I am aware of your awesome heart and generosity. Thank you for extending amazing support and open heartedness to my whole family. I am go grateful we found you, and more family members are seeing the blessing in your art. You rock! Thank you again.
Up-date on me; I am doing a cleanse this week, I am aligning myself with Source, and letting go of many things on all levels, and updating my true intentions for to go forward in my life. I uncovered that my indecisiveness was caused by competing intentions. I created intentions, in the past, from a low energy place, many of which no longer are serving me. I am setting new intentions from a higher place, yet finding both now are still running at the same time. My intention is to apply my awareness, put some light on this, to allow my true intentions to shine through.
Basically; I am choosing a better way of eating, relaxation, and exercise.
I am approaching my relations with more love, and light. Their problems are not my problems.
I just have to continue to love them and me, and not the other work which is theirs.
I am in planning stages of starting a new food business and loving it. I can do what I am doing everyday with or without pay, I like it so much, and I am declaring that I am working towards creating a profit business that will help me create a better life for myself!!!!
Thank You for helping me reorganize my spine, nervous system, body and now my Life is becoming more resourceful because of this amazing care.
Great to say, have a great, magical, wonderful day,
Patient answering a New Patient questions seeking healing...
I'm happy to answer your questions:
when did you begin treatment with him? I have been seeing Dr. Schyuler for about 4 years now, it started as a result of adrenal fatigue I was experiencing. My cortisol levels were very high all the time. My “on switch” couldn't really shut off. My body responded right away was able to begin to relax and find space for the first time in many years. I moved from defense or first level care into wellness care after about 6 months or so as far as I can recall, then into advanced care.
how long were you under his care? I still see him, aside from a couple of minor injuries I've had which he has helped me through quickly, I have been going to him for a long time because this work affects many levels not just physical healing but emotional and mental release and spiritual development. This is the easiest form of therapy I can imagine.
how happy are you with the results? Very happy, he is a kind and very caring person, and a very skilled master in his field. I heartily recommend this work to anyone who has back, stress, or health issues of any kind. The central nervous system is the 'brain’ of the body and supports all proper functioning. He helps the body to rest itself and adjust itself through the 'entrainment’ process. I am much more relaxed and less anxious, feel and experience great health, have much better posture, and have made it through lots of stressful times (deaths of my mother and father and other stressful stuff) much more easily and acceptingly.
He has several books at the office by Dr. Donny Epstein (the founder of this technique) The 12 Stages of Healing and Myths and Magic of Healing that can also help to answer some of your conscious mind questions. This discipline is unusual and very subtle but it produces amazing results.
Right now I'm more concerned with my own personal growth and development than I am worried about falling back into unease. That is why I still go.
Having said that, I think if you are going to commit to this kind of work also adopting healthy exercise habits, healthy eating and stress reduction would aid you in falling back into unease.
This is a concern that would be better addressed by Dr. Schyuler. He welcomes any questions and concerns.
This is also out of pocket for me, but what price tag can we put on wellness and mobility?
Best Wishes -
“A Shared Experience … an Invitation into Wholeness
Throughout our Lives we have many of opportunities to brighten the Lives of others:
we may extend a gentle word of kindness, a loving touch, or a simple acknowledgement of achievement. Just as you may have been inspired and empowered to explore Network care for yourself and your family, we invite You to express the gifts of wisdom, insight and health you have experienced and have drawn from, in your return to Wholeness.
inspire a individual to heal | transform a community
Suggestions for quality of life changes to include…
Timeline - My Life before Network Care…and My Life presently!
How did you hear about Rilascio Chiropractic?
What was your initial reason for starting Network Care?
What is different about you since beginning care?
How has your overall quality of life changed?
What would you share with someone who’s considering Network Care at Rilascio?
My first Network Entrainment experience was…
My Present Level of care: I, II, III
Health Improvements: (Physical/ Emotional /Mental/ Decreased Medications/ Enhanced Immune System and Healing
Improved Performance: at school, in business or as an athlete/ weekend warrior/ American Idol
Improved Concentration, Focus, Memory, and Energy levels, etc…
Quality of sleep and renewal
Lifestyle shifts: increase in health promoting practices/ decrease in health distracting practices
Improvements in Career: Satisfaction, Opportunities, and Achievements / Wellness in Business
Quality of interpersonal relationships (Family/ friends/ business)
Intimacy: Love/ Passion and Romance
Pregnancy/ Birthing and postpartum experience- Self/ Baby/ Father/ Family
Relationship to stressful events, worries and concerns …
Newly found Purpose, Vision and Mission
Overall Quality of Life Enjoyment and Fulfillment
Relaxation/ Personal time
Organizational/ Time / Personal space
Wellness Integration / Lifestyle Renovation
Through our personal commitment to the process of growth and change,
each one of us has the power not only to transform our own life, but also to contribute
tremendously to the transformation of life on our planet.
Thank You for Sharing Your Rilascio Network Care Experience!
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