ActivePure | Air & Surface Pro
ActivePure | Air & Surface Pro
Protect Your Family, School, Business, Church, Gym, Yoga Studio and more… from Harmful Contaminants that are Hidden in Plain Sight with in the Air we breathe and surfaces we touch.
I’m so amazed at how my new Air & Surface Pro has not only decontaminated and freshened my home’s Air & Surfaces being cleaned 24/7 from pollens, molds, bacteria, VOC off gassing and odors. With ActivePure’s Technology and Scientific Research I feel confident being in my home and inviting guests over knowing that the highest level of testing has proven to eliminate over 99.96% reduction of Airborne SARS-CoV-2, the Virus responsible for COVID-19 within 1 min. Thank You ActivePure “I feel Safe now in my home and “I now feel Safe wherever I go in the world”… now, that I bought a mobile unit for my travels (Cars and Hotels). I can’t control the atmosphere or environment… However, now with ACTIVEPURE I can control the Air I Breathe and the Surfaces I touch from Viruses, Bacteria and Toxic Pollutants I’m exposed to... even Covid. I feel reassured in my investment knowing this is beyond all the other air filters I’ve used in the past… ActivePure is in a l league of its own and if this is good enough for NASA It’s good enough for me. I am now recommending to all my friends and family to bring ActivePure into their life towards optimizing their protection of their overall health — Pico “Now, I am a Happy and Healthy Breather 😊”
(To qualify for various financing options visit…look for our practice name “rilascio chiropractic” as you submit your application) once approved we will reach out to you for approval to place your order.