How Stress and Tension Influence Our Lives

There are two types of Vertebral Subluxations

Structural Spinal Tension aka "Pinched Nerve" (bone out of place pinching nerve/spinal cord, long term degeneration of vertebral disc, decay of vertebral bone, growth of osteophytes "bone spurs"

Menengial Spinal Tension aka "Adverse Mechanical Spinal Cord Tension" (stretching twisting, bending of the spinal cord and exiting nerve roots).  

|Structural Spinal Tension|

When a vertebrae has lost it’s natural position, resulting in a change in the physical, bio-chemical environment of the delicate nerves that exit the spine.  This is commonly called a "Pinched Nerve" (Vertebral Subluxation) and is the result of physical and or positional stress over time.  Chiropractors are rigorously trained in the Philosophy, Art and Science to Detect and proficiently Correct these types of Vertebral Subluxations. Below you will find physical stresses that are common causes of structural spinal tension.



 Birth trauma  (Mother & Baby: c-sec, forceps, vacuum extraction, epidural,         induced labor, Cord around neck at birth)  ❍   Falls  Sports impacts ❍   Broken bone Vehicular accident  ❍  Dental work ❍  Combat or physical fight ❍    Abuse, violation                     Work-related ❍   Positional stresses, Repetitive stresses ❍  Impacts or injuries to spine Etc. 

|Facilitated Spinal Tension|

A stretching, elongation or twisting of the spinal cord, nerves and or tissue surrounding the nerves.  This is known as the Fight or FlightDefensive PostureStress Physiology and is most often caused by emotional, mental or chemical stress.

Facilitated spinal tension has been found to be the influencing factor in 80-90% of Nerve Stress and Tension we experience daily and can be linked to causes of mental-emotional-chemical loaded stresses. Below you will find common causes of facilitated spinal tension.




Birth trauma (Mother & Baby: c-sec, forceps, vacuum extraction, epidural, induced labor) ❍    Mother unconscious or semi-conscious at birth     Baby isolated at birth Prolonged birth   ❍   Cord around neck at birth   ❍   Childhood stress ❍   School stress                    Family stress ❍   Personal relationship stress ❍   Positional stresses   ❍   Stress of being sick   Work-related stress ❍   Commuting stress ❍   Change of lifestyle ❍   Loss of Loved one    Moving ❍   Change of vocation   ❍    Abuse, violation  ❍   Stress of being hospitalized          Stress of having surgery ❍   Stress of having an accident ❍   Financial stress ❍  Etc.




Mother smoked, used alcohol and/or took medication regularly during or just        prior to pregnancy with you ❍   Chemically induced or altered labor ❍    Mother under spinal anesthesia during delivery ❍   Mother given medication at your birth Medications, drugs ❍   Chemicals in food  ❍   Smoking ❍    Alcohol ❍   Chemical exposure Pollution ❍   Refined sugar ❍    Artificial sweeteners  ❍  Etc.


|Frontal Lobe “Check Out"|

Stress Physiology